
  • 1 min.
  • Wetenschap

Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen

23 december 2009 – dhr. M. Beudel
Internal & External Modulation of Parieto-premotor networks in voluntary motor control Promotor: prof. dr. K.L. Leenders

VU Medisch Centrum Amsterdam

9 december 2009 – dhr. J.E.M. Mourik
Image derived input functions for cerebral PET studies
Promotor: prof. dr. A.A. Lammertsma

12 februari 2010 – dhr. B. Moraal
3D and Subtraction MR imaging in Multiple Sclerosis: Improved detection of spatiotemporal disease activity
Promotors: prof. dr. F. Barkhof, prof. dr. C.H. Polman

12 februari 2010 - mevr. N. Tolboom
Imaging Alzheimer’s disease pathology in vivo: towards an early diagnosis
Promotors: prof. dr. Ph. Scheltens, prof. dr. A.A. Lammertsma

Universiteit Utrecht

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